Undecided about your next step in your career? Looking for work?
South Metropolitan TAFE Jobs and Skills Centres are one-stop shops for careers, apprenticeship and traineeship and employment advice and assistance.
Visit a centre to access free, professional and practical advice on training and employment opportunities including careers advice, apprenticeship and training information. Support services for employers, Aboriginal people, ex offenders and people from a culturally or linguistically diverse background are also available.
Check out the online jobs board on the Jobs and Skills WA website to connect jobseekers with employment opportunities and to assist employers to attract and recruit employees.
Services for employers and business
TAFE Jobs and Skills Centres can provide advice and assistance to support employers and business owners. They can help, if you’re looking for:
- recruitment assistance, including for apprentices and trainees
- information on training solutions and services that can be customised to meet enterprise-specific needs
- advertising employment opportunities on our jobs board or our Aboriginal-specific jobs board
- advice and resources to support your workforce planning
- resources and advice on Aboriginal recruitment and retention strategies