Challenges Abroad Australia, CAA, offers volunteering programs and internship placements ranging from 2-10 weeks in Thailand, Cambodia, Nepal, India, Peru and Tanzania. Students may be eligible for OS-HELP loans and New Colombo funding. All discipline areas are relevant.
Challenges Abroad is an Australian social enterprise, which offers a range of international, community based, transformational learning programs for university students to develop their global citizenship, cultural competency, leadership and employability skills while making a sustainable contribution to marginalised, developing, overseas communities.
At the heart of what we do is our international development charity, the FutureSense Foundation, registered in the United Kingdom, (charity number 1132101), which works to meet the United Nations’ goals for sustainable development in the communities where we work. Our in-country teams live and work in the communities where we are based year-round to ensure that our programs are addressing the needs of the local communities and develop sustainable partnerships with local organisations as part of a long-term vision to create real and lasting change.
We offer:
- Volunteering programs which develop students’ employability skills
- Internship opportunities to gain relevant discipline-specific work experience
- Casual paid positions
Employability Skills
Students on this program will benefit from a strong reflective process throughout their program, assisting them to develop into culturally competent graduates. Students will:
- Demonstrate initiative, personal and professional leadership in a grass-roots development organisation.
- Apply theoretical knowledge to practical problems.
- Work effectively in a multi-disciplinary team to solve problems.
- Develop critical thinking, and effective problem-solving skills.
- Synthesise evidence of using initiative, working autonomously, problem-solving, personal and professional leadership.
- Communicate respectfully across different languages and cultures.
- Develop ability to be self-reflective.
- Demonstrate career self-management by identifying personal strengths and weaknesses and future personal development opportunities.
- Understand and embrace the concept of global citizenship.
Contact details for student/graduate enquiries:
Roselynn Lang, University Programs and Partnership Manager
E: [email protected]
P: 0421 791 065