Kathleen is a Career Development Consultant affiliated with the Faculty of Health Sciences and Higher Degree by Research sector at Curtin University’s Careers, Employment & Leadership. Having transitioned through three major careers (research, pharmaceutical industry, career management) and qualified for another (teaching – science/career development), she understands the challenges and rewards to changing careers! She is passionate about motivating others to obtain their personal and professional success, and to have fun along the way.
“Your career is a garden, with different plants growing and thriving as your garden changes with the seasons. You can’t always predict where your career is going to end up, but you can follow the sunlight to get to the best place!”
February 20, 2019
That is the question!
Bad pun, I know, but it is a real question that many postgraduate students ask. And, the answer is not simple… Here are some of the things you need to consider:
So why do a… Read More