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Hana Woolerson

Hana is a communications professional who writes online content and coordinates student engagement marketing strategies for Curtin Careers, Employment & Leadership.

Previously, Hana delivered internal communications, employee engagement marketing, public relations and community investment strategies for a company in the resources industry.

Respectful Relationships

August 5, 2019

We’re excited to launch Respectful Relationships, our online training program that addresses consent, relationships, bystander interventions and support services. Developed by the Careers, Employment &… Read More

Building your intelligent career

August 17, 2018

We are gearing up for the last week of our Careers For Tomorrow Festival, but there are still opportunities for you to join us as we continue to explore the need for agility, and being ready to adjust to… Read More

I didn’t know I could do that with my degree!

August 9, 2018

Your degree does not necessarily determine your career pathway. With this in mind, and as part of the Careers For Tomorrow Festival, we are hosting a panel of graduates who have taken a detour along their… Read More

Navigating the RTSA Challenge

August 2, 2018

Calling all future transport planners, railway buffs, and trainspotters…do we have a challenge for you! The Railway Technical Society of Australasia (RTSA) have opened up applications for their RTSA… Read More

Benefits of working in a team

June 5, 2018

Having to work in a team often gets a bad rap. Most of us groan when we are given a group assignment, and there are a million articles online about how to manage working in a team or how to deal with different… Read More

Dealing with criticism

May 30, 2018

Criticism, even of the constructive variety, can be a bitter pill to swallow. But the fact is, you won’t go through life without encountering it. It’s worth having a few tools under your belt so you don’t… Read More

Develop your industry mindset

May 23, 2018

We spend a lot of time banging on about/trying to gently convince you that it is really important to keep on top of your industry news and trends, especially as you start to plan your life and career after… Read More