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In the summertime

December 7, 2022 by Natasha Walker

In the summertime

Summer is here and uni is done for the year, so what are you going to do? Whether you are finished studying or returning in 2023, you need a plan. The next 12 weeks will pass quickly whether you do something or nothing. It’s time to decide how to make those weeks count!

Over the break it is important to take plenty of time to relax, have some fun and connect, or reconnect, with family and friends. The summer break is long and there are plenty of things you can do to enrich your time away from the books.

Need money or experience?

  • Vacation work – gain hands-on experience, networking opportunities and even potential future employment, apply for vacation work. It’s a great way to acquire skills that are transferrable like communication, time management and organisational skills. UniHub is a good place to start when looking for opportunities.
  • Graduate programs or internships – it is never too early to investigate graduate programs or internships, whether you’re approaching your final year, or final semester or have recently completed your degree. Graduate jobs are usually paid positions, full-time, offered across many sectors and industries, and include structured training. Internships can help give you industry-related experience and network opportunities with potential future employers.
  • Short term program – looking for opportunities to travel to incredible locations and gain credit towards your course during the summer or winter breaks? Want to accelerate your studies and can commit to a semester abroad? Short term programs are typically two to six weeks and allow you to study one or two units in a range of locations.
  • Volunteer – whether it’s in your chosen field or not, volunteering will allow you to gain practical experience and build new skills while helping others. It’s guaranteed to give you confidence and make you feel good about yourself. It’s also a great way to apply your skills and education through hands-on meaningful learning.

What else can you do?

  • Join professional associations – a good way to keep up with what his happening in your field of study. Network with experts and attend employer events to engage with your future industry. Look out for student memberships!
  • Read up on course material – if you are continuing your studies, don’t forget to put aside some time to read up on next semester’s course materials. To choose the units that are right for you, it’s important to know what’s on offer. Be proactive and take control of your studies by researching your course and reach out to your instructors for the best ways to prepare for the coming semester.
  • Clean up your digital presence – spend some time this summer reviewing and editing your social media presence. Make sure that, when employers look you up, they see your best self. Google yourself to see how potential employers see you, and make sure your LinkedIn profile is professional and up to date. Don’t forget, you can have your LinkedIn profile reviewed online anytime through VMock Aspire.
  • Explore your environment – get out and explore your city or town! From getting active outdoors to learning more about your city’s culture, the benefits of getting out and about are many and varied. Make some lunch and enjoy it in a park or, if you are feeling adventurous, go on a hike or plan a camping trip with friends. Your local visitor centre will give you all the information you need to get out and about in your area.
  • Indulge in hobbies or try a new one – if you have some spare time, use it to explore your interests and develop your creativity. Take a class in painting, yoga, sewing, self-defence, cooking, or anything you find interesting or have wondered about.

No matter what you decide to do this summer, balance is the key. Whether you volunteer your time, take on a summer job, indulge in a hobby, or chill with family and friends, plan your time wisely! Make the most of summer, it’s yours to enjoy.

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