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Increase your employability through co-curricular participation

August 3, 2022 by Curtin CEL Team

Increase your employability through co-curricular participation

Tuesday 16 August | 1pm to 2pm | B209.227

Find out how to increase your employability potential by participating in co-curricular activities and volunteering programs during Jobs & Employabil

Curtin Volunteers! provides volunteering and leadership opportunities that will enhance your student experience while benefiting the wider community. Whether you would like to meet new people, build your employability skills, explore unique parts of WA, or give back to your local community, the CV! team have an opportunity for you.

Meet current CV! leaders and gain an insight into how their experiences have benefited them. There are so many opportunities with CV! and beyond to build your employability and add to your skill set.

Make the most of this chance to meet with other students and hear about their experiences.
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