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Make the most of semester break

June 15, 2022 by Kelly Kendall-Jones

Make the most of semester break

Hooray – semester break is finally here! So, what are your plans? Some lazy mornings in your PJ’s, sprinkled with watching a Netflix series or two? Lunch with friends you’ve been neglecting and getting back to the gym? Not to mention ringing your family? Sheesh, before you know it, semester two will be starting.

While these plans sound great, and I highly recommend all of them, especially ringing your family, semester break is also a great opportunity to invest some time into your career development. And don’t think your career hasn’t started yet!

Career development is a life-long process of self-development, decision-making and exploration. Did you ever play ‘cops and robbers’ or pretend to be an astronaut when you were a kid? When a child notices that some people are doctors, or firefighters, or actors and so on, it signals the start of this process. Your current studies are just another part of your career development journey.

Which brings us back to investing some time into your career development during the break. Here’s our top three tips on things to do:

Tip 1: Sign up for our Graduate Gateway
Happening from Monday 27 to Thursday 30 June, this series of interactive, online workshops covers everything from preparing for the times ahead and planning for the career you want, to perfecting your job applications and creating your professional identity.

Tip 2: Apply for the Curtin Leaders Program
Develop your unique leadership skills and then apply them to a social impact project or initiative you are passionate about. Applications are currently open for semester two, closing on Friday 22 July.

Tip 3: Do a little research
Get familiar with the online support available to you, anytime anywhere, including Curtin Challenge – online modules to help you develop your employability skills, UniHub’s Resource Library – including our course-related Career Guides, VMock Resume – providing instant, targeted suggestions to help improve your resume, and VMock Aspire – same as VMock Resume but for your LinkedIn profile.

From the Careers team, we hope you enjoy your break, indulge in the lunches and sleep ‘til noon, but also take some time to invest in future you!

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