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Curtin Volunteers!

March 11, 2022 by Kelly Kendall-Jones

Curtin Volunteers!

Like to meet new people? Enjoy helping others? Keen to add value to your resume? If you’re nodding with enthusiasm, you should consider joining Curtin Volunteers!

You can pick and choose which amazing opportunities you’d like to be involved in and how much time you can commitment to. You’ll also get that warm, fuzzy feeling knowing you’re making a positive difference!

I spoke to Nathan Chong, a current post-grad student, long-standing Curtin Volunteer, and current CV! Project Leader, for his insights:

What motivated you to join Curtin Volunteers!?

I first started out as a New to Curtin Mentor, which I really enjoyed. A friend and fellow mentor was a leader for CV! and he recommended me to join. I applied, got in and have been doing it ever since.

What are some of the volunteer projects you’ve been involved in?

I’ve been involved in the Parkerville Campus Support Program. We visit Parkerville Children and Youth Centre in Mandaring, which is a facility where foster children live, and help with the upkeep and maintenance of the area. I’ve been doing this for two years now and really enjoy it.

What kind of time commitment is involved as a Curtin Volunteer?

It depends on what you choose to become involved in. Projects tend to be mainly one-off volunteer sessions over one full day, or they might go over a weekend, whereas ongoing programs usually happen for one or two hours each week. It’s up to the individual how much of a time commitment they want to make. But students can decide how involved they want to be and how they can make it work with their existing schedule.

Can you tell us about some of the other opportunities that happen during the year?

In terms of programs, a lot of things we do involve working with schools. For example, we have the Support a Reader Program and the Maths Support Program with a couple of local primary schools. This involves working with students in classrooms to build up their literacy and numeracy skills.

CV!’s flagship event is the John Curtin Weekend, which happens across six weekends in September and October. We travel out to rural communities such as Merredin and Wagin and do a whole bunch of volunteering, for example helping at agricultural shows, and helping out community-based organisations with their events.

As a bonus, you’re participating with volunteers from all subject disciplines, so it’s a great way to meet other students you wouldn’t normally see on campus. For JCW last year, I travelled to Busselton with fourteen others Curtin Volunteers.

Is there any criteria or prior experience needed to be eligible for CV! opportunities?

No, there is no specific experience or criteria required other than being a current Curtin student. If you go out to one of the schools, you do need your Working With Children Card, but we assist with this process.

From your perspective, what’s the most rewarding thing about being a Curtin Volunteer?

I guess for me personally, it’s being able to go out into the community. You really get a sense of the impact that CV! has on the community and the people you’re helping, which is very rewarding.

What’s the process for students to become involved in CV!?

All they have to do sign up online. It’s as easy as that!

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