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Accessing equity suppport

June 9, 2021 by Erica Stewart

Accessing equity suppport

Curtin has an increasing student population, many of whom are members of various equity groups. These students may face additional challenges in navigating their learning experience, and non-disclosure of their equity status can lead to these students not being eligible for the support they are entitled to while studying at Curtin.

Motivated to improve the student experience, and by their strong commitment to creating positive social change within the Curtin community, a group of five John Curtin Leadership Academy (JCLA) students have been working with Curtin’s AccessAbility Team and the Diversity and Equity Unit to further understand students’ reasons for self or non-disclosure of their equity status.

The JCLA team are wanting to encourage more students to feel empowered to disclose their equity status, so that Curtin can facilitate relevant support and services that benefit and to add value to their university experience.

The JCLA team have produced two surveys, one for students identifying as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) and another for students who identify as having a disability/medical condition. If you are a student who identifies as ATSI or as having a disability/medical condition, the JCLA team would appreciate you completing a brief, confidential survey. Sharing your experience will help the University to improve the disclosure process and experience for students.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Disclosure Survey

Disability/Medical Condition Disclosure Survey

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