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Graduate early birds get their worm!

March 4, 2021 by Natasha Walker

Graduate early birds get their worm!

If you’re in your final year of study then, graduates-to-be, this article’s for you!

Graduate programs can provide a unique experience, offering the chance to see multiple parts of a business while having access to leadership and mentors. These programs combine a full-time position with structured professional development, and their length and content can vary. You may gain experience in different areas of an organisation, or you may receive intense training in a specific area of expertise. It’s worth taking the time to get your head around graduate positions, graduate programs and international opportunities.

Applications are open now!
Grad programs begin their recruiting process at the beginning of first semester with positions starting the following year. These programs are extremely competitive, providing positions to approximately 30% of graduating students each year. With a long and rigorous recruitment process, it is important to get in early and be prepared.

GradConnection is a website aimed at providing you with everything you need to know to secure your first graduate program or job. They currently have 580 graduate and internship positions advertised.

You can attend GradConnection’s Virtual Careers Fair across three days in March. On Friday 5, Tuesday 9 and Friday 12 March, you’ll be able to discover a range of opportunities, meeting with companies looking to hire students and recent grads. You can attend all three days or pick the day targeted to your discipline, so register now!

And don’t forget to register for the Curtin Careers Fair, happening from 11am to 2pm on Wednesday 17 March. This is your chance to connect with employers looking to recruit Curtin students and grads.

So, if you have just embarked on your final year of study then it’s time to be the early bird and go get your worm. Good luck!

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