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Opening doors

October 8, 2020 by Harrison Kopp

Opening doors

Ask someone to name a business-oriented social media website and they’ll likely name ol’ reliable – LinkedIn. Or maybe, ask them to name a job-search website and they’ll probably go with Seek. And they’re not wrong with either of these answers.

But, if you ask them to name a second website for business info/job searching they may end up stumped. This, perhaps, shows that a number of people are living blissfully unaware of some of the other – just as useful – websites that fulfil similar functionalities.

One of these websites is called Glassdoor, and it provides a unique blend of many useful career aiding aspects.

What is Glassdoor?
Glassdoor is a website that, primarily, combines some of the functions of Seek with some of the other functions of LinkedIn and our very own Careers For Tomorrow.

It has a modern interface that gives you instant access to jobs, companies, a blog and your profile.

What can Glassdoor do for you?
Glassdoor is known for a couple of things:

  1. Company reviews – people who have worked/are working for a company can post a review of that company. This can give you valuable insights into the corporate culture and what it’s like to work for that company.
  2. Job search – like the other websites already mentioned, Glassdoor provides ways for prospective employees to search for openings at companies.

They also provide additional useful ‘get that job’ info. Glassdoor has their own blog as part of the site, with articles on a number of topics to do with the wide world of employment. These include the opening lines of cover letters and the most common questions asked at part-time interviews, to name a couple.

Getting started with Glassdoor
As with similar type websites, you should have no problem understanding how things work. And signing up with Glassdoor is incredibly easy.

  1. Sign in with a pre-existing Facebook account, Google account or your email.
  2. Start customising your profile to help Glassdoor know the most relevant stuff to show you, before diving straight into job search or writing a review of a company you have worked for.

All in all, Glassdoor is different from LinkedIn, in a good way.

It isn’t really a case of one over the other – when it comes to job exploration using them both in tandem is the best way to get the most out of them.

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