Lots of the graduate program applications are really transparent. What do we mean by that? Well, they’ve gone to a lot of trouble to give a step-by-step account of who they’re looking for and what happens when you apply.
They kindly map out the exact process involved in applying.
Some of them will even provide a timeline, including dates for video interviews, assessment centres and outcomes. This means you know exactly where you stand at each stage in the process.
A typical graduate or vacation program application process will generally look something like this:
- Online application
- Online assessment/psychometric testing
- Digital/video interview
- In person interview/assessment centre – though these are moving to the virtual space too
- Offer and onboarding – corporate speak for being hired and the induction process
If you sail through stages one and two – the third stage is where you might need to dedicate your energy.
Lights, Camera, Action
Video interviews are a really popular part of the process – for employers. It lets them meet many more students than would be possible in person.
But, for most candidates, this part is the most unpopular part. Hated, even! You’ve got so little time to put yourself across well – to be magnificent! It’s pretty daunting and it can be easy to get tongue tied and feel ridiculous.
Even though you’ll be given time to do a practice run, when you hit ‘record’, you’re on and there’s no going back! Chances are, you’ll only be given a couple of minutes to prepare and a couple more to answer the question.
And, given the job on offer, you’ll want it to be brilliant. But, if you don’t prepare, the reality is – it’s far more likely you will get tongue tied and feel ridiculous.
But help is at hand… As a Curtin student, you have access to Vieple; a video interviewing platform that grad recruiters also use. You can do a trial run and submit your video to Careers, Employment & Leadership for feedback and coaching tips.
We recommend you get in early though. Applications are open now and closing fast – and we can only provide feedback once a week.