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Changing your rhythm

March 18, 2020 by Susan Surgener

Changing your rhythm

There’s no doubt, we’re all having to very quickly adapt to new ways of working. But, if you treat uni and your studies as your main job, you can probably more easily – and quickly – get into a new routine.

You may already be sorting out your semester calendar with things like when assignments are due, and attending (or not) lectures, tutes, labs etc. With your work or volunteering hours possibly reduced, or even cancelled for now, it might be a good time to really focus on your studies. Aim to avoid procrastinating – especially if you feel that nobody is driving you to meet your targets!

  1. Get up, get dressed and get ready for your day!
  2. Make your uni studies your key priority – set some grade targets
  3. Schedule your iLectures but also aim to dig that bit deeper
  4. Gather a list of relevant peer-reviewed articles and read them
  5. Connect with others via Blackboard – ask and answer questions
  6. Really start thinking about how you want to get the best out of your degree
  7. Make a list of jobs you could aim for, and understand the roles and responsibilities involved – exactly what skills are employers looking for in e.g. graphic designers, OT’s or supply chain managers…
  8. Learn a new and connected skill – access or complete a MOOC
  9. If you can’t source work experience for now, aim for an online mentor to stay connected with industry. Connect with your professional association. Investigate your options through our discipline specific Career Guides
  10. Have fun. Keep talking to others and sharing ideas. We are surrounded by technology that allows us to share and create.

2020 has certainly started out by being a tough year, and it looks like we’re all going to have to get creative and adapt. But, we’re still here to help with your career planning and management – book a time and we’ll give you a call. If you’re looking for feedback on your resume, cover letter, selection criteria and/or LinkedIn Profile, we can provide an online review.

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