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Creative Industries Networking @ Curtin Careers Fair

February 27, 2020 by Curtin CEL Team

Creative Industries Networking @ Curtin Careers Fair

Not all industries recruit in the same way. The Creative Industries Networking Zone at the Curtin Careers Fair is a great opportunity to have a 1:1 chat with an industry professional of your choice.

There’s a range of employers with different backgrounds to choose from, ranging from graphic design, screen arts, urban planning, communications, journalism, entrepreneurship, and building surveying.

You can showcase your portfolio and receive constructive feedback, practice your networking skills and hear about potential career opportunities within your field.

Industry professionals attending include:

Joshua Davis – Managing Director, Principal Archaeologist
Joshua’s qualifications include a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Archaeology and a Bachelor of Arts in Archaeology and Classical/Ancient History. He established Major Oak Heritage Services in 2018 which specialises in both Aboriginal and historic archaeology and is skilled in photogrammetry and the production of high quality 3-D models.

Juliette Dujardin – Brand and Digital Designer
Juliette has over 12 years experience creating visual communications on both sides of Australia in boutique studios and large organisations. She is now a Brand and Digital Creative at Media on Mars, where she works with a variety of clients from government, not-for-profit and education.

Georgina McKay – Illustrator/Graphic Designer
Georgina graduated with a Bachelor of Creative Advertising & Graphic Design in 2017. She works as a Graphic Designer with The Jam Jar Agency while also working as a a freelance Graphic Designer and Illustrator in Perth.

Nathan Sibly – ABC News Operations
A broadcast news veteran with more than 20 years’ experience, Nathan has had an extensive career in the media industry in regional and metro Australia. He is currently News Operations Manager at ABC News in Perth.

Alice Brown – Planning Manager
Alice is a qualified town planner and manager with 14 years experience working in both local and state government.

Cassandra Anderson – Illustrator
Cassandra Anderson Illustrations began after Cassandra finished her studies and discovered her creative streak while transitioning into a corporate role. Combining her love of fashion and drawing she decided to create her own Instagram page to share her work and before long was participating in exhibitions and received her first email to create a custom illustration.

Tim Dawkins – Director, Planning
Tim has over 15 years’ experience in statutory planning, project management and leadership in residential and mixed use projects. He is also the proud recipient of the prestigious 2016 Stan Perron Future Leader Award.

Tim Greenhill- Associate Director, Planning
Tim is a graduate of the Urban and Regional Studies program at Curtin University and holds a Master of Urban Design through the Australian Urban Design Research Centre (AUDRC). Tim has also worked in both the UK and the USA where he performed both policy and regulatory planning functions and developed an appreciation for community collaboration in design.

Places are limited, so book early to secure your spot with the professional of your choice!

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