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Fun and games

December 19, 2019 by Susan Surgener

Fun and games

There’s nothing like fun board/electronic games during the festive season! Especially during the traditional lull – meaning post loads of food .

Games are great for challenging your brain, getting together with friends, adding a touch of competitiveness, and learning new stuff! But, if there’s no one around to join in and you feel the urge to do something to tax your brain, here are some sites to try out.

These go a bit beyond those mind-numbing ‘do this quiz’ things on social media. So, to find out more about how you tick or how you perform…

Ready, steady, go!

  • Grad Tests
    Free verbal reasoning tests. Harder than you think!
    Email address required.
  • Open Psychometrics and 123 Test
    Test out a whole range of interactive personality tests for free via these sites. Ranging from the Big Five Personality Test to the Nonverbal Immediacy Scale.
    Different ranges and completion times, so don’t attempt them all in one hit!

A quick reminder to always check any terms and conditions of free sites.

Bonus points – it’s fun, challenging and you won’t think it’s like work or study! But, you actually get to test out something you are likely to encounter in the future.

Plus – double bonus points – some of these tests may inspire you to get motivated for 2020 and totally lock in your New Year resolutions!

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