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Positively organised

November 1, 2019 by Ebony Bryant

Positively organised

With only a few weeks left of semester, it’s time to knuckle down and keep the momentum going. But, if you’re anything like me, towards the end of semester, all motivation gets thrown out the window as you embark on a thrilling, early vacation – consisting of stress-eating and binge-watching shows you’re not particularly interested in.

But, sadly, those due dates and exams still remain. Despite our fatigue.

So, before you close all your computer tabs and resign for the year, here are six time-management skills to assist in the final stretch of the semester.

  1. Plan and Set Goals
    Being able to structure your thoughts and visualise your tasks can be a great way to start any project. Through some planning and short-term goals, your work will become more manageable and less intimidating. Not to mention, crossing off those short-term goals can be all the motivation you need!
  1. Prioritise
    Sometimes – when it comes to planning – we can get carried away. You don’t need to write down every minuscule task, especially if they don’t contribute to the overall project.
    Which tasks require the most urgency, or require the most work? Prioritising these tasks first will allow you more time to chip away at them, or get the overall unpleasantness out of the way!
  1. Preferential treatment
    Understanding how you work best is key to remaining motivated. What are your preferences? Do you work better during the morning or afternoon? Do you need complete silence or background noise? Once you know what works and what doesn’t, begin implementing these requirements into your routine. You’re sure to be more productive.
  1. Plod
    Don’t try to get ahead by doing a million things and multi-tasking. You’re more likely to be less productive trying to split your efforts across loads of projects. Focus on one task at a time and block out other unnecessary distractions. Take the slow, plodding approach and you’ll get there just the same!
  1. Ponder
    Setbacks can be overwhelming, especially with approaching deadlines. But, remaining level-headed and not being deterred by the situation is important in managing stress and anxiety. Take a deep breath and review the situation with a clear mind. With a newly refined approach, you will be able to bounce back and remain on task.
  1. Patience – Cultivate it!
    Take the time you need to complete your work efficiently. It’s better to spend more time on a task to ensure it’s completed to a high standard, than to rush through to complete something that’s riddled with mistakes.
    You don’t want to be wasting time correcting silly errors that could’ve been avoided if you took your time. Like, get your referencing in order – so you don’t have to go back over everything to find your sources – particularly if there’s an assessment deadline!

Sometimes all you need is a little bit of organisation to get a good grasp on what you’re up against! Just be sure to take some time for yourself, be kind to yourself, and don’t skip on rewarding yourself for a job well done.

For Curtin students, there’s only a few more weeks of craziness left but, if you ever feel bogged down and need to talk to someone, Student Wellbeing Advisors are always here to help.

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