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Are you neglecting your LinkedIn?

October 4, 2019 by Shalinn Yeap

Are you neglecting your LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a powerful professional networking site. It allows you to showcase your CV on an online platform and provides you with the opportunity to connect with future employers.

You’ve heard it all before, maybe too many times.

Many of you might think that this online networking site is overrated and, somewhere along the line, you might have stopped updating your LinkedIn profile.

Why waste your energy trying to make your profile look as impressive as possible, when you could be investing your time into more effective job-seeking methods? Right?

Keep it up-to-date
Why is it so important to keep your LinkedIn profile up-to-date? Keeping your profile as fresh and current as possible is crucial if you’d like LinkedIn’s algorithm to work in your favour. Recruiters, who are also on the platform, will often invite you to apply for their jobs upon LinkedIn’s recommendation of your profile.

The more updated and detailed your profile is, the more likely you’ll be the one LinkedIn picks to promote to those who are looking to hire.

Employers are also more inclined to pay more attention to you if your posts are recent, and it’s evident that you’re active on the platform – you’ll leave them with the impression that you’re keen, proactive and driven.

Check in frequently
Even if your LinkedIn profile is as up-to-date as it can possibly be, it’s a good idea for you to log into LinkedIn on a relatively frequent basis. LinkedIn has a feature which allows you to receive notifications about new job opportunities from the site.

Many employers who advertise job positions on LinkedIn are looking for people who are not only qualified, but are eager enough to respond promptly. So, if you don’t want to miss out on targeted job opportunities, it’s best to log in on a frequent basis to check up on what LinkedIn is recommending for you.

Bonus offer
As you already know – because you’ve heard it all before – LinkedIn is a very powerful professional networking tool! But it really is one which you could truly utilise to your advantage.

If you’d like to get some advice on your LinkedIn profile, Curtin’s Careers Employment & Leadership will be running a LinkedIn workshop on Tuesday 15 October.

You can also visit Curtin Connect 102 for the free, monthly LinkedIn Photo Booth – where you can pose for a professional profile photo!

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