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Festival Prize Winner

October 8, 2019 by Curtin CEL Team

Festival Prize Winner

Congratulations to our Rio Tinto prize winner, Edward Barrie!

During the recent Careers For Tomorrow Festival, participants had the opportunity to win $1500 towards a professional development opportunity of their choice, thanks to Rio Tinto. To enter the draw, you had to participate in three or more Festival activities and then give us your feedback.

Edward attended several Festival events, including ‘Career Adaption‘, ‘Prepare to Network‘, ‘Exploring Entrepreneurship‘, ‘Business Buzz Exhibitor Zone‘, and ‘Leadership for Tomorrow’s World of Work‘.

You can read Edward’s submission below:

“Foremost, I learnt to network, to develop engaging connections with people which I went on to do in the ‘Design Your Curtin Experience’, creating some great friends there. I was exposed to the entrepreneurial mindset at the Exploring Entrepreneurship event which reinvigorated my desire to start my own business of which I am hoping to launch this summer. Attending the Business and Law Industry Expo, I connected with some great companies and even lined up some internships, specifically at EY, where I was invited to and attended the ‘Meet the Manager’ event held in the city.

I have a passion for blockchain application and so I would do a Blockchain application course currently available online at RMIT. As I am studying Finance I feel this opens up great potential to innovate within my area. This course would also help me direct my career path to an area I would like to end up in. Blockchain has so much potential to be a leading technology in the future and it’s my goal to be a frontrunner in this field in the coming years. I would greatly appreciate your assistance in helping me achieve my ambitions.”

Good luck with the course, Edward. We look forward to hearing about your experience once you’ve completed it.

Thank you to everyone who attended the Careers For Tomorrow Festival and then took the time to submit their feedback, we appreciate hearing your thoughts.

And thank you to Rio Tinto for their generous sponsorship of this opportunity.

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