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Opportunities in Healthcare & Social Assistance

September 12, 2019 by Ebony Bryant

Opportunities in Healthcare & Social Assistance

The Careers For Tomorrow Festival hosted a number of valuable sessions over a packed week, with the ‘Opportunities in Healthcare & Social Assistance’ event providing Health Sciences and Humanities students with info on potential opportunities to add value to related studies.

If you have an interest in healthcare or the wellbeing of others, this session explored a variety of ways to develop practical skills and work experience. If community service is an area you’re passionate about but you’re not studying in these areas, it’s still worth taking a look at these organisations. In addition to Health Sciences and Humanities, they also provide students with opportunities to work or gain experience in HR, finance, marketing, administration and ICT.

If you were unable to attend this great panel event, here’s what you missed from four well-known local organisations:

Autism Association of WA is the largest specialist lifespan organisation in Australia. They provide services to clients from early childhood right up to aged care. Their aim is to advance clients’ personal development, equality of opportunity and community participation.

For 2nd and 3rd year students studying Speech Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Psychology, Early Childhood Education and Social Work, this organisation can provide valuable work experience, with further opportunities if you continue to work with them after graduation.

Note: A minimum availability of three days a week, Monday to Friday, is required.

CPE Group is a Government funded healthcare provider that caters primarily to elderly clients. Their services are run across the Perth Metro area, where they also provide casual staff to aged care and disability organisations.

Many of their services include domestic assistance, medication prompt, community inclusion and transportation. As such, applicants will need:

  • First Aid Certificate
  • Driving licence/Roadworthy vehicle
  • Working With Children Check
  • Practical hours of experience

This organisation would be beneficial to nursing students, and provides a great opportunity to earn an income while developing practical skills.

Lifeline WA is a 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention service. This organisation prioritises suicide prevention, support for people, and creates opportunities for emotional wellbeing.

Lifeline WA run an extensive training program a couple of times a year, consisting of 170 hours in order to become an accredited Crisis Supporter, which can branch off into multiple areas, such as:

  • Volunteer Facilitator
  • Volunteer Mentor
  • CSWT Facilitator/Trainer
  • Individual Support Services

From the ability to communicate with clients in a crisis, to improved feedback and mentoring skills, this organisation will help you develop skills that are beneficial to everyone in society.

Note: All employed staff positions are advertised to their existing Crisis Support workers before they look for external applicants.

Uniting Care West is a community service agency that provides a diverse range of programs catering towards families, children, mental health and disabilities. With a goal of creating justice, hope and opportunities, UCW works to support people and communities most in need so that everyone can live a fulfilling life.

Alongside volunteering, UCW provide paid positions in the areas of:

  • Support Workers
  • Corporate Services
  • Counsellors
  • Senior Case Workers
  • Child Carers
  • Administration

If you’re looking to develop your skills and practical experience, UCW has a range of opportunities to guide you on your future career path.

For more information on any of the organisations above, or to make contact, simply head to their websites. Taking the time now to gain practical experience is what we would encourage all of our students to consider, plus just think of the difference you can make in the community.

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