Welcome to Week 4! Now that the Careers For Tomorrow Festival is finished, it’s back to normal this week. We’ve got an employer on campus and employability workshops happening.
Infosys Internships | Monday 19 August | B410.408
Infosys are looking for students with a technical background, as well as those studying management, marketing & HR, to take part in their internship program.
Selection Criteria | Wednesday 21 August | B300.219
Whether they’re obvious or hidden, all job adverts contain selection criteria. Find how you can identify and address them effectively.
Workplace Rights & Responsibilities | Thursday 22 August | B300.219
Understanding your work place rights and responsibilities can help you navigate the world of work.
Power Hour – Selection Criteria | Friday 23 August | Curtin Connect B102
Looking for a collaborative environment where you can leverage the experience of others to help you create your best response to selection criteria?