We’re excited to launch Respectful Relationships, our online training program that addresses consent, relationships, bystander interventions and support services. Developed by the Careers, Employment & Leadership team, the program will equip you with a clear understanding of what constitutes consent in relationships, and help you to effectively understand and communicate with other people regarding sexual relationships.
Respectful Relationships is also designed to give you the skills to support you, and those around you, in your life as a student and beyond as you start or continue your career journey.
The program is delivered through our online learning platform, Curtin Challenge, and will take about an hour to complete. We strongly encourage all our students to complete the program at their earliest convenience.
You can also find additional resources and support on sexual harassment, sexual assault and consent on Respect. Now. Always., including information on how to respond to a disclosure of sexual harassment or sexual assault. Respect. Now. Always. is a sector-wide campaign developed by Universities Australia to help prevent sexual violence in university communities and improve how universities respond to and support those who have been affected. The campaign highlights the determination of Australia’s universities to ensure that students and staff are safe from sexual harassment and sexual assault.
Log on to Curtin Challenge to complete the module.