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Careers in the Public Sector

August 12, 2019 by Curtin CEL Team

Careers in the Public Sector

Ever thought about what it means to work in the public sector? Did you know that the public sector employs just under 140,000 people in WA, across 60 organisations, and these employees are represented in over 180 occupational groups.

To understand how attractive this sector is, what career opportunities are on offer, and what it entails to work in this industry, we have gathered some of the best professionals in the sector. They will share their experiences, what opportunities are available now and in the future, tips on how to apply for positions, and what they look for in candidates.

Our panellists include:

Kate Haig
Organisational Development Consultant, Corporate Service, Department of Finance
Kate Haig is an Organisational Development Consultant with the Department of Finance where she has been working for three years. She commenced with Government 11 years ago as aData Entry Clerk and has since progressed to her current role while holding positions at variety of Government Agencies. She is passionate about working in the public sector and enjoys the opportunities that working in the Government can provide.
The Department of Finance was voted the Number 1 Graduate Program in Australia* in 2019, and Kate is proud to be part of the team that coordinates the program.
*as voted by 2019 Graduates across Australia who took part in the Australian Association of Graduate Employers (AAGE) Survey.

Alexander Kristoff
A/Graduate Development Program Coordinator, Department of Health
Alexander Kristoff is the current Graduate Development Program Coordinator at the Department of Health. Having joined WA Health in 2018, Alexander worked with the East Metropolitan Health Service Workforce Directorate and Royal Perth Bentley HR department before joining the Department’s Institute for Health Leadership team. Alexander holds a Master of Marketing and BA in Communications at Curtin University, as well as a Graduate Certificate in Human Resources and Employment Relations at the University of Western Australia.

Alistair Jones
Executive Director, Economic, Department of Treasury
Alistair is the Executive Director of the Economic Business Unit in the Department of Treasury, a position he has held since February 2019 where he is responsible for the provision of advice, systems and operations critical to the State’s financial management, economic and revenue forecasts, revenue policies and Commonwealth-State financial relations, and supporting Government to achieve good regulatory practice and priority micro-economic reforms. Alistair also leads the Commercial Advisory function within Treasury.
His previous position at Treasury was as Executive Director of Strategic Policy and Evaluation, responsible for managing the provision of advice on the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery in key State Government agencies, a position he held since June 2012.
Alistair joined Treasury in 2008 having previously worked in the Commonwealth public sector, local government and the private sector in a number of policy and communication roles.

Kristie Kent
Strategic People and Culture Consultant, Landgate
Kristie has worked in the public sector for around 15 years, after completing a Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration at Murdoch University. During this time, she has worked in a variety of roles (most, but not all, of which were in Human Resources) across five different organisations, demonstrating how varied a career in the public sector can be. Her current role is Strategic People & Culture Consultant at Landgate, where she works on a variety of projects. These include workforce planning, recruitment, diversity, and coordinating Landgate’s Graduate Program.

Ravi Kahagalla
Human Resources, Public Sector Commission
Ravi Kahagalla is the HR Manager for the Public Sector Commission. Ravi joined the Commission in February 2019. His focus wasn’t always on people. After getting a degree in botany, Ravi joined the workforce as a graduate trainee in the private sector. He then moved into human resources after completing a Master of Labour Law degree from Sydney University. Ravi worked in various HR roles in private and not for profit sector before joining the Public Sector in 2013, as the regional HR Manager for the Goldfields Region, with the Department of Health.
In his current role – on any given day Ravi will be providing advice on HR matters, working on Commission’s HR strategy, HR policies, and writing letters and briefing notes. He is currently focusing on updating all HR policies and procedures, workforce planning and the performance review process.

Careers in the Public Sector
5:30pm – 6:30pm, Thursday 15 August in B410.428.
Book in through UniHub

Remember, if you participate in three or more Festival activities and give us your feedback, you will go in the running to win $1500 towards a professional development opportunity of your choice, sponsored by Rio Tinto.

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