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Taking the next step

March 25, 2019 by Lauren Robertson

Taking the next step

Sam Stoddart, a Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) graduate, participated in the Next Step Mentoring Program. Here’s what Sam had to say about how his involvement in the program and how it helped him to kick start his career.

Having completed one year of his degree, Sam was enjoying his studies but was unclear about what he was going to do once he’d finished and how to go about successfully transitioning into the workforce.

Sam decided, as a penultimate (second to final) year student, that he would join the Next Step Mentoring program. In connecting with a mentor, Sam’s initial goal was to gain exposure to the different roles and career pathways that his degree could lead to, but his involvement in the program led to so much more.

If you come to university these days, grab on those opportunities whenever they become available to you because you never know where it’s going to lead. So I did that, and you know, now I believe that’s helped me to get a full-time job in industry before I’ve even finished my degree and that’s a huge stress off, so, that’s a pretty good plus.

Applications for Next Step Mentoring 2019 are now open.
As part of the application process you are required to complete two online modules, Boosting Your Professionalism and Goal Setting, through Careers Challenge.

The program runs over 6 months and it’s recommended that you have at least 10 hours contact time with your mentor and complete three career development modules of your choice. Your participation may be recognised on your Curtin Extra Certificate.

Apply today to connect with an industry mentor.
Applications close 5 April 2019.

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