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AITPM National Conference 2018

September 14, 2018 by Curtin CEL Team

AITPM National Conference 2018

Do you keep a look out on UniHub for jobs, events and exciting opportunities such as scholarships and awards?

Earlier this year, Australian Institute of Traffic Planning and Management Incorporated (AITPM) offered Curtin students the chance to win tickets to the 2018 AITPM National Conference in Perth 24 – 27 July, valued at over $1500 each.

This fantastic opportunity, uploaded onto UniHub, asked students to write a one page summary explaining why they should attend. The Curtin students whose submissions were successful were:

  • Anjali Parmar – Bachelor of Arts (Urban and Regional Planning)
  • Harriet Farminer – Bachelor of Arts (Urban and Regional Planning)
  • Harrison Fleming – Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of Commerce (Civil and Construction Engineering Double Degree)
  • Lloyd Baker – Civil and Construction Engineering
  • Marthinus Minnaar – Bachelor of Arts (Urban and Regional Planning)

Marthinus has taken the time to share his experience:

“My experience at the 2018 AITPM National Conference was one I won’t be forgetting anytime soon. Before applying for the university student award, I had no idea what AITPM even stood for let alone what the conference was going to be about. However, I am very fortunate to have received the award to attend the conference. I would encourage anyone mildly interest in transport planning to jump at an opportunity like this to attend the next national conference.

I found the transport planning community to be a very small and tight knit group as they all knew each other. With every person I spoke there was someone else who they wanted to introduce me to. As such I was able to connect with many industry professionals who are very good at what they do and had no problem talking to a university student like myself.

The conference came at the perfect time for me as I had just been accepted into honours and needed to select a topic for my thesis. I had a keen interest in freight and logistics planning and this was the first year where there was a freight stream on offer. As such, I gained a wealth of knowledge in relation to freight planning and spoke to some great people who are actively involved in freight planning for Perth. Through conversation with these professionals I was more inspired to take on freight as a research topic and find out more about this field of transport planning which is so often forgotten. One month on from the conference I am still keeping in touch with some professionals who I connected with at the conference and they have been extremely helpful and willing to support my thesis project.

The transport planning community in Perth is certainly one which I would love to be a part of as a working professional and I am very grateful for the opportunity to attend the 2018 AITPM national conference thanks to the university student award.”

So, if you’re looking for opportunities like the one offered by AITPM, keep a check on UniHub. You’ll find information on scholarships, competitions, news, awards, events, and professional development under the Opportunities tab.

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