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Curtin Extra – give yourself an edge

August 14, 2018 by Curtin CEL Team

Curtin Extra – give yourself an edge

There are so many opportunities you can get involved in when you’re at Curtin! Whether it’s volunteering throughout Western Australia or Malaysia with Curtin Volunteers!, racing in national competitions with the Curtin Motorsport Team, or representing your fellow students with the Curtin Student Guild, you’re bound to find something suited to your interests or area of study.

These experiences can be a great way to develop your skills while having fun, meeting new people and giving back to the community.

Recognised participation

Students at Curtin can gain recognition for their participation in extra and co-curricular programs through the Curtin Extra Certificate.

By participating in Curtin Extra-recognised programs, you not only receive formal acknowledgement from the University, you can participate in workshops to further develop your skills and attributes e.g. self-awareness, project management, teamwork and intra/entrepreneurship, among others.

Being proactive

There’s a lot of research about the many benefits to getting involved as a uni student. Not only can being active in student life help you to feel a sense of belonging and community, it can help your grades and prepare you for the future in valuable or unexpected ways. Employers love proactive students!

You might even discover a vocation or career path that differs to what you’re studying or what you thought was possible.

During the Careers for Tomorrow Festival, we are hosting several information sessions on Curtin Extra. Come along to discover more about all the great programs across Curtin or the different tiers of recognition you can work up to!

If you can’t make it but want to find out more, email us at [email protected]

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