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What’s On: 16 – 20 April

April 13, 2018 by Curtin CEL Team

What’s On: 16 – 20 April

First semester is flying by, suddenly it’s Week 8! This week we are looking at identifying why an employer would choose you, what opportunities would suit you, and what your profile photo looks like online.

Selection Criteria | Wednesday 18 April | Bentley Campus
Every job ad includes selection criteria, whether they’re obvious or not. These faculty specific workshops will demonstrate how to identify and effectively address selection criteria.

Design Your Curtin Experience: Curtin Extra | Wednesday 18 April | 410.201 Bentley
There are many opportunities to develop yourself outside the classroom. In this workshop, we look at what’s on offer at Curtin and explore tools to help you make sense of all the options.

LinkedIn Photo Booth | Thursday 19 April | Info Booth Bentley Campus
We’ll be taking photos you can use on your LinkedIn profile, or any other professional platform you use. Simply drop into the Info Booth near the Koi Pond, we’ll take your photo, and email it to you.


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