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At the Halfway Point

April 24, 2018 by Susan Surgener

At the Halfway Point

Breathe a sigh, you’re at the semester halfway point.

No matter what year you’re in, successfully reaching this point is bound to feel pretty good. Halfway through the semester is a good time to check whether you are still on target and if you still want to go in the direction you’ve chosen.

The hard thing about a study break is that you need to use the time for more than just assignments or chucking on some extra work shifts. Hopefully, you can relax a bit too but don’t forget to take more than a minute to think about what you are up to.

Are you on track?
Do you have a career plan up your sleeve that you are working towards? Does your plan leave you feeling good, fill you with trepidation or leave you cold? Best to be in the right direction because you need inspiration and enthusiasm to keep you going!

Keeping the Motivation Alive
If you need to be more proactive in finding related work experience because it’s not included in your degree, you might just be more motivated than others.

If you’re in a degree that relates directly to an occupation; with inbuilt fieldwork placements, you might be feeling all warm and fuzzy and safe with the work experience aspect covered. But then again, how competitive is your field and how many of your fellow students have similar experience?

Whatever your situation – you’ll almost certainly benefit from thinking outside the box and doing a little more.

Take a wee bit of time to:

  • Check you are heading in the right direction
  • Figure out your key strengths including your soft skills, tech skills and discipline specific skills
  • Research different level jobs connected to your field – look at grad entry level first!
  • Look at some relevant organisations or related associations
  • Think about some networks you could possibly develop
  • Consider what else might put you in line for that first job, vacation or graduate program, scholarship, etc.?

If you haven’t a clue where to start, or think you might be barking up the wrong tree, then come in and see us. We are still available throughout all of the study breaks, mid-semester breaks and university vacation periods to answer your questions.

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