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Digital footprints that get attention for all the right reasons

October 10, 2017 by Liz Green

Digital footprints that get attention for all the right reasons

Have you thought about what recruiters might find if they pop your name into a Google search? You probably have. Warnings and horror stories about the perils of poorly managed digital footprints are nothing new.

Instead of thinking about your digital footprint in terms of hiding the ‘bad’ stuff, you should look for ways to build an online presence that promotes the positives about you.

If you approach it with this in mind, your digital footprint can get you noticed online for all the right reasons. You can boost your employability and create a fantastic first impression before you’ve even spoken to a potential employer.

So, how do you build a digital footprint that will leave a recruiter feeling reassured by what they learn about you after they click ‘Search’. Here are a few suggestions to get you started:

  1. Ok – this one’s still the same. Don’t publicly share negative photos or comments. Do generate content that you’d be happy for anyone to see.
  1. Include your relevant social media links in your résumé, and guide the recruiter to the content you’d like them to view first.
  1. Be proactive on LinkedIn.
  1. Tweet! Twitter’s 140-characters, used well, can impress, entertain, and attract followers. It’s also another opportunity to engage with organisations and people you’re interested in.
  1. Use Instagram to share activities you enjoy, from playing a sport to volunteering. Room on your résumé is scarce. Using a visual platform like Instagram allows a recruiter to see, at a glance, you’re more than just your academic results.
  1. If you enjoy writing or plan to work as a writer, choose a topic you’re passionate or knowledgeable about, and start a blog. If you don’t want the hassle of running a website, post on LinkedIn. Remember, your audience will be professionals; use an appropriate tone and always proofread before you hit ‘post’.

If you’d like to discover more ways to boost your employability, why not join our Personal Branding workshop? Not on campus? No worries – you can grow your skills through Curtin Challenge’s online modules.

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