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Become a mentor and make tomorrow better

October 11, 2017 by Storm Crow

Become a mentor and make tomorrow better

Whether you were fresh out of high school or a mature aged student heading to uni for the first time, we can all agree that the thought of attending first semester was pretty terrifying. But, we’re sure the transition into campus life was made a little easier by a Curtin Mentor from within your faculty. If you’re interested in passing on some of that knowledge and inspiration you received from first year – to new Curtin students – then you should apply to become a student mentor for Semester 1, 2018.

How it works

The program asks students to commit to mentorship for one semester; and in order to apply students must be enrolled in their second year or above. Don’t worry if you’ve never been a mentor before, you’ll be trained on how to lead and manage a group of New to Curtin mentees before semester starts. You’ll also have consistent support from Curtin academics throughout the program. At the end of semester, mentees will have the chance to nominate outstanding mentors at the ‘Say Thanks’ luncheon.

The benefits

Besides the warm fuzzy feeling in your heart from doing something good for others, you will also gain recognition from the University via a certificate of participation at the end of semester, and on the Curtin Extra Certificate when you graduate.

  • You’ll be given an opportunity to develop important leadership, interpersonal, communication and cultural competency skills – essential for university graduates.
  • The program will enhance your employability and boost your resume.
  • It’s an opportunity to develop organisational and time management skills, and
  • You can build collaborative networks with academic staff in your course.

A little bit about you

  • You like to inspire others to succeed.
  • You are proactive, have an eagerness to learn and bring a positive attitude.
  • You’re confident and have good communication skills.
  • You’ll need to be able to strike a balance between assisting new students without compromising your own academic studies.

What does a mentor do?

As a student mentor of New to Curtin students, you’ll provide support to students so that they feel welcome and a part of the community on campus. You’ll keep in regular contact with mentees, once a fortnight, to check-in on how they’re settling into uni and to answer any questions they may have.

Since its inception in 2008, the Curtin Mentor program has seen 4,000 mentors support over 50,000 new Curtin students. Not only do mentors help shape student wellbeing, create a sense of belonging and support smooth transition for other students; they also have the opportunity to engage in valuable leadership experience.

If you can see yourself becoming a Curtin Student Mentor for 2018, applications for expression of interest close on Wednesday 18 October 2017. Register your interest via the online form and someone from your study area will be in contact.

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