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What to expect from the changing face of interviews

August 14, 2017 by Liz Green

What to expect from the changing face of interviews

Have you ever been notified you have an interview, only to find out it’s not with a human? In recent years the interview process has changed considerably, as technology has removed the need for a face-to-face meeting, at least in the first instance.

Sometimes the traditional form of a sit-down interview only occurs if you’ve successfully completed a range of online tasks, or participated in a day at an assessment centre. Depending on your industry – it may not exist at all.

So, what are some of the different types of interview you might be asked to participate in, and what can you expect?

  • Phone interview: phone interviews can be arranged in advance, or they can be unexpected. If you’re caught unprepared by a recruiter who’s read your application and wants to have a brief chat with you, it’s fine to ask if you can call them back when you’re in a private space. Then grab a copy of your application, find a quiet spot, and take a deep breath before you answer any questions.
  • Automated online interview: in an automated interview, you don’t have any human interaction. You’re sent a link, and a date and time for the interview, via email. You need to activate your computer’s microphone and camera beforehand, and at the allotted time, you connect via the link. The interview questions appear on your monitor. You give your answers verbally, and they’re automatically recorded for a recruiter to review.
  • Online interview: this type of interview is conducted by a person or a panel. It fits the structure of a traditional interview, but it’s held via Skype or another online service. It’s most often used when the role you’re applying for is a long way from where you currently live ­– interstate or overseas.
  • Face-to-face interview: this is a more traditional approach, but the format of the interview can vary depending on your industry. You could be given a pre-interview assignment to complete, or you may be asked to deliver a presentation to showcase a particular skill set or knowledge of a specific subject.

Preparation is the key to successfully navigating any type of interview. So, why not get organised ahead of time and attend one of our upcoming Interview workshops? You are also able to practice your interview technique online. Once you have registered with our online interview platform, you can answer some practice questions and receive personalised feedback on your performance from one of our Career Development Consultants.

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