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Why employers love EQ, and students should too

August 10, 2017 by Liz Green

Why employers love EQ, and students should too

Have you noticed how much buzz there is around Emotional Intelligence (EQ) lately? It’s definitely not a new concept – it’s been talked about since the early 1990s when academics, John Mayer and Peter Salovey, first introduced the theory of EQ.

Well, today, there’s a greater understanding of the benefits emotional intelligence can bring to the workplace. Employers recognise that people with strong levels of EQ are better able to manage highly emotional situations, such as client or colleague dissatisfaction. They can de-escalate the issue more quickly, which helps maintain a stable workplace.

For these reasons, EQ is likely to be high on the list of selection criteria when a graduate recruiter reviews your application or sits down to interview you. Simply put, for graduates, emotional intelligence is the new black!

So, how do you get it?

Are your levels of EQ determined by nature or nurture? This question has frequently been debated over time. Daniel Goleman, whose bestselling book Emotional Intelligence introduced the topic to the masses in 1995, supports the idea that people can improve their levels of EQ.

And apparently, Peter Salovey thinks so too. He went on to start the Yale Centre for Emotional Intelligence, which is devoted to researching EQ and designing educational programs that support EQ development.

So, no need to worry if you’re unsure about your own levels of emotional intelligence – with a little bit of work, you can understand and grow your EQ.

You can participate in a range of workshops on campus run by Curtin Careers, Employment & Leadership. Topics such as Who Am I? and Self-Awareness are perfect introductions to growing your EQ.

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