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Things to know before you go

June 2, 2017 by Hana Woolerson

Things to know before you go

You’ve made it through another semester, and you are about to head off for study week and then exams. Before you do, here are few events for you to pencil in your diary for over the holidays and next semester (sorry, we’re already making you think about Semester Two).

Graduate Gateway
Our employability prep series starts on the first week after exams. If you are graduating this semester, and haven’t yet secured graduate employment, this program is not to be missed. From Monday 26 June – Thursday 29 June, you can cover online and face-to-face networking and job search skills; resumes, cover letters, selection criteria and interviews; and leadership skills. All workshops are free – attend them all, or pick and choose the ones that suit you.

Work Ready Careers Fair
Planning is well underway for our Work Ready Careers Fair. Mark Wednesday 9 August in your calendar to come along to meet with industry professionals and employers offering a range of opportunities including vacation work, internships, part-time work and work experience placements. The Fair will run from 11:00am – 2:00pm at Curtin Stadium.

Curtin Connect
While you are knee-deep in exams, we will be leaving our current home in Building 303 and joining other student services to create the student support one-stop-shop in Buildings 101 and 102. We will be settled into our new home by the time you are back for Semester Two, so we’ll see you there!

On that note, we are currently cleaning out our existing offices, so if you are in the market for second-hand stationary, including ring binders, folder and plastic sleeves, please feel free to help yourself to our collection in the reception area of Level 2, Building 303.

Curtin Growth Ignition
Do you have an idea or innovation that that could become a high growth business? The Curtin Centre for Entrepreneurship is running Ignition – a five and a half day intensive program which prepares you for taking your idea to the business world. The program is a blend of practical teaching sessions, expert clinics and mentor sessions, as well as advice and support from leading entrepreneurs and innovators.
Scholarship applications will be closing at 5pm on Friday 7 July, while full-fee paying applications close on Friday 21 July.


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