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What’s On: 27 – 31 March

March 24, 2017 by Hana Woolerson

What’s On: 27 – 31 March

This week is Selection Criteria week! Make sure you get along to a Selection Criteria workshop, complete an online module, or read an article or two on Careers For Tomorrow. As well as our Selection Criteria workshops, we have lots of great events coming up next week read on for more details.

Institute of Public Accountants (IPA): Drop In Session For Accounting Students | Wednesday 29 March | Wesfarmers Court, Bentley Campus
IPA are hosting a drop in stand on campus to promote graduate and student membership.

Curtin Leaders Program Public Speaking | Wednesday 29 March | Tim Winton LT, Bentley Campus
Gain some valuable tools to help you deliver memorable presentations. Learn how to influence, build rapport and inspire people to take action. Use the power of story-telling to engage others with your ideas.

Selection Criteria Workshops | Wednesday 29 March | Bentley Campus
Come along to this workshop to learn effective formulas to answer even the most challenging of selection criteria. Whether they are obvious or hidden, all job adverts contain selection criteria. Effectively identifying and address selection criteria is the perfect opportunity to show an employer you are the right person for the job. If you can’t get to a workshop, you can complete the selection criteria module online on Curtin Challenge.

Interview Skills Workshop – For Health Sciences Students | Thursday 30 March | 300.217, Bentley Campus
Health Science students, get along to one of our Interview workshops to get the low down on everything you need to ace that job interview and land your dream job. If you can’t get to a workshop, you can complete the interview module online on Curtin Challenge.

And don’t forget, registrations are now open for NEXT STEP: Industry Mentoring. Simply head to Curtin UniHub to complete the necessary details. Registrations close on Friday 28 April.

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