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No resume required?

March 7, 2017 by Susan Surgener

No resume required?

You might start to hear of organisations changing it up a bit in the way they recruit for their graduate programs – such as no resume required. You might think “brilliant, I don’t need to spend hours of self-reflection wondering how to best market myself”. But not so…

Some organisations, such as PwC, don’t want a resume as part of their application process but they still want you to complete an application form.

This means that the info that they are looking for looks kind of like the same info you’d have on your resume; meaning you are still going to have to do some deep thinking and categorising!

A resume is essentially a personal record of your academic and employment history from today backwards. It can also include any extra-curricular engagement, voluntary work, professional development and your interests. It will start with your contact details and end with your referees.

An application form is actually going to be asking for the same information and it might also ask for achievements in regards to your work or studies. So be prepared.

Suggestion: Get the info you want sorted on your resume and this is going to make filling out an application form a whole lot easier. For some great advice on how to best market yourself, you can complete the resume module on Curtin Challenge, then submit it to Careers, Employment & Leadership for review. If you’re not sure where to start be sure to check out the Curtin Resume Workbook (Curtin login required) to view some handy hints and tips.

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