If your primary source of job searching is via online job sites you may be in for a shock. A recent LinkedIn survey revealed that an amazing 85% of all jobs are filled via networking without ever making it into the public realm. Tapping into the hidden job market can be key to finding the job you really want.
If you are in your penultimate or final year of study (undergrad or postgrad) and want to be ahead of the pack when applying for jobs, formal mentoring programs such as Curtin’s NEXT STEP: Industry Mentoring can be your gateway to start connecting with the right people in your industry before you graduate. It is designed specifically to help build on the employability skills you require in an increasingly competitive job market.
Running from May – October, students will be paired as closely as possible to an industry mentor working in a similar field of study or area of interest. Successful participants will even be eligible for recognition on their Curtin Extra Certificate.
Registrations are open now if you are keen to participate. Simply head to Curtin UniHub to complete the necessary details. Registrations close on Friday 28 April.