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Taking the fear out of formal interviews

January 23, 2017 by Hana Woolerson

Taking the fear out of formal interviews

Okay, interviews. Nobody likes them but everybody gets excited about being invited to one! How can you take the fear out of interviews? There is only really one way – preparation!

If you’ve been invited to interview, you have done something right. You’ve demonstrated on paper that you’re a good match for the job and the organisation is interested in meeting you. At this stage they believe that you have what it takes but, for so many people, the interview can be your undoing.

Remember that everyone gets nervous about interviews. However, if you have prepared in advance and are well aware of your strengths and weaknesses, once you get talking you’ll get into the flow and the nerves will disappear.

Here are some ideas for helping you shine at your interview:

  • Read over your application documents. The panel will probably have a copy of these so you may want to refresh on what you provided them with.
  • Be right across the role and the responsibilities. Where can you demonstrate that you have done this before? How can you show you have the skills set and characteristics to take on the job?
  • Impress the panel with what you know about the organisation and why you want to work for them.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of your field. Why you chose it, why it suits you and where you hope to go with it in the future?

Some typical questions to practice:

Q. Tell me why you think you are a good fit for this field/our organisation?

Q. Where do you see yourself in 3/5/10 years’ time?

Q. What is your greatest weakness/strength?

Q. Tell me, why did you pick your current degree?

Q. What factors do you see as impacting on this field in the future?

The best way to prepare for your next interview is to attend one of our Interview workshops this week.

Alternatively, if you have been invited to interview and would like to organise a Mock Interview before the real thing, you can book in to see one of our Career Consultants.

You can also practice your interview skills using our online interview module. Follow the prompts to register and get access to the interview.

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