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Independent by Choice: Create Your Own Employment Future

August 4, 2016 by Curtin CEL Team

Independent by Choice: Create Your Own Employment Future

Almost one third Australia’s workforce engages in some form of independent work arrangement, either in addition to a traditional ‘job’ or as their primary source of employment and income.

Globally there is a growing shift towards non-traditional working arrangements, driven by technological advancements, demographic changes, growing casualisation of the workforce and more employees wanting flexibility and freedom in how, when and where they work.

This event, sponsored by Bankwest, will expand your knowledge and confidence to further explore creating and developing your own employment opportunities, in roles where you can select what, where and when you work and have a greater control over your own career path and development.

You will hear from guest speakers who are successfully working for themselves as either a small business owner, consultant, freelancer, portfolio worker or entrepreneur from a diverse range of industries and professional backgrounds.

Secure your place by heading to CareerHub and clicking “Book In”. This will ensure you are first to hear reminders about room confirmations and any updates to the program. Full program details, including venue, guest speaker profiles and a suite of supporting articles will be made available right here on Careers for Tomorrow in the coming days.

Pursue your passion. Advice for the entrepreneurs of tomorrow from the champions of today.


Event details:

Date: Wednesday 24th Aug 2016

Location: Building 410 (Various Rooms); Welcoming Address – 410.101

Time: 9am-12pm.

Contact: Tel: 9266 7802, [email protected]


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