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Soon-to-be Postgrads: The Decision to Stay…

December 16, 2015 by Curtin CEL Team

Soon-to-be Postgrads: The Decision to Stay…

Postgrad studies can be an incredibly valuable asset to your career. But it’s also important that you consider a range of factors in order to make the right decision for you. Here are some questions to consider…

Why do you want to undertake postgraduate study?
Be clear about your reasons for undertaking further study. Is it to further your knowledge in a particular interest area? Is it a requirement for your chosen career? For promotion prospects? To change career? Avoid undertaking postgraduate study because you can’t think of anything else to do…

Do you know what prospective employers in your field want/demand?
Research how your study may impact your future employability and career options. Employers fill vacancies based on a range of criteria, one of which may or may not be a postgraduate qualification. Contact organisations you’re aiming to work for to ask how they view applicants with postgraduate degrees. Contact any relevant professional associations, many of which have industry information evenings. You may find that postgrad studies are a necessity in your industry, or alternatively, you may find that getting practical experience is actually more highly valued.

Are you comfortable continuing to prioritise study?
Postgraduate study requires significant time investment. Consider how this might impact your family or social life. Investigate different modes of study to suit your needs, for example full-time, part-time or external.

Are you interested in research or skill development?
Postgraduate study can be completed in two ways, through coursework or research. When choosing to undertake a particular qualification, talk to staff at the institution to ensure that it meets your personal and professional needs. Depending on whether you wish to build a career in research, academia or the corporate world, different paths will align with different postgraduate options.

How do you decide which institution to study at?
Look into courses at a few institutions for comparison. Attend Postgraduate Expos or visit relevant university departments if possible. If choosing a research degree, check out the institution and your research supervisor to make sure they meet your needs, visit Australian Universities for more information.

Can you afford it?
If you decide to continue studying, this may mean delaying earning a full time salary. Investigate all available options to fund both your fees and your living expenses while studying. Find out if there are any scholarships that you might be eligible to apply for.

We hope this helps some of your planning, get in touch if you’d like more personalised advice on (08) 9266 7802 or [email protected]

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