Nothing can really prepare you for your first professional role… You’re likely to be nervous and you’ll possibly wind up feeling uncomfortable in certain situations – and that’s completely normal.
Developing your professionalism will come with time and experience. However, here are some super quick tips to guide you through the office:
- Be punctual
- Make eye contact
- Smile
- Remember and use people’s names
- Actively listen
- Ask questions
- Consider your body language
- Think about solutions, not problems
- Make informed decisions – be ready to justify them if you need to
- Take time to understand different people’s working styles – particularly if there are cultural differences
- If you call a meeting – set an agenda
- If you’re invited to a meeting – read the agenda
- Speak up – if you feel you can productively contribute, don’t be afraid to share your ideas
- Take notes in meetings – develop action points and deadlines
- If you say you’re going to do something – do it
- Keep emails clear and brief
- Don’t forget the value of in-person conversations
- Always proof read your work
- Try to eradicate the thought ‘that’s not my job.’
- Document your projects and achievements – this can be extremely valuable, sometimes when you least expect it
Finally, take a look at our workshop schedule and book yourself into the Boost Your Professionalism workshop. If there isn’t one coming up, you can always complete the module on Curtin Challenge.