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What’s Next? 20 Tips for the Workplace

March 3, 2015 by Curtin CEL Team

What’s Next? 20 Tips for the Workplace

Nothing can really prepare you for your first professional role… You’re likely to be nervous and you’ll possibly wind up feeling uncomfortable in certain situations – and that’s completely normal.

Developing your professionalism will come with time and experience. However, here are some super quick tips to guide you through the office:

  1. Be punctual
  2. Make eye contact
  3. Smile
  4. Remember and use people’s names
  5. Actively listen
  6. Ask questions
  7. Consider your body language
  8. Think about solutions, not problems
  9. Make informed decisions – be ready to justify them if you need to
  10. Take time to understand different people’s working styles – particularly if there are cultural differences
  11. If you call a meeting – set an agenda
  12. If you’re invited to a meeting – read the agenda
  13. Speak up – if you feel you can productively contribute, don’t be afraid to share your ideas
  14. Take notes in meetings – develop action points and deadlines
  15. If you say you’re going to do something – do it
  16. Keep emails clear and brief
  17. Don’t forget the value of in-person conversations
  18. Always proof read your work
  19. Try to eradicate the thought ‘that’s not my job.’
  20. Document your projects and achievements – this can be extremely valuable, sometimes when you least expect it

Finally, take a look at our workshop schedule and book yourself into the Boost Your Professionalism workshop. If there isn’t one coming up, you can always complete the module on Curtin Challenge.

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