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Marketing, Advertising & PR: Employment Prospects in Australia

March 23, 2015 by Curtin CEL Team

Marketing, Advertising & PR: Employment Prospects in Australia

The employment prospects in the areas of Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations have been growing steadily for the past ten years and aren’t likely to slow anytime soon. Job Outlook is forecasting continued growth through to 2018.

This is great news, but remember, it doesn’t mean your job hunt will necessarily be easy. Agencies may seem like the first place to look but you’ll find that a significant portion of opportunities are in-house – both within large organisations and small businesses. Lots of students in this area also don’t realise that formal Graduate Programs can offer amazing opportunities.

Within Australia, you’ll find roughly 40% of opportunities in New South Wales, 30% in Victoria and 7% in Western Australia. The industries are undeniably competitive – the best thing you can do to stand out is to get as much relevant work experience as possible and build and nurture your networks!

Over the coming week, you’ll get more advice from industry professionals in relation to job search and applications and their individual stories. In addition to this, if you want to explore industry trends a bit further, check out the following resources:

We also publish discipline specific Career Guides annually. You can access the 2015 editions in May, by going to the Curtin Careers & Employment Centre website under Course and Career Planning.

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