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5 Things to Check Before Pressing Send…

January 12, 2015 by Curtin CEL Team

5 Things to Check Before Pressing Send…

The final stage of submitting your application is incredibly important. It’s at this stage that silly mistakes can (and often do) happen because you’re so relieved that everything’s finished, you just want to send it…

Keep in mind these five danger areas to avoid potentially ruining your chances:

1. Proof read all of your documents again!
You can’t do this enough – run a spell check, read them out loud, print them off, get someone else to read them. Do whatever you need to do to get them to the best possible standard.

2. Double check any instructions the employer has given within the job advertisement.
For example, a job on Seek may request that you do not apply via the ‘Apply’ button and rather by a direct email; some may specify that you name your files in a specific way or note a specific subject line. Whatever they request – follow it. Even if it seems insignificant, this is your first opportunity to show that your receptive and can follow instructions.

3. Write a professional introductory email.
If you’re submitting your email online, you’re inevitably going to have to send a short introductory email. Briefly include information that shows your suitability for the job and your enthusiasm but avoid duplicating your cover letter and keep it concise – one short paragraph is fine. Again, remember to proof read this – a perfect resume and cover letter may never be seen if you have an error in this email.

4. Double check the details.
Double check the email address your sending your application to; double check the person’s name and spelling carefully; and, don’t forget your attachments!

5. Check your email…
Remember, your contact details are the first thing the employer’s going to see. If you’re submitting your application via email, you really don’t want it to be [email protected]… Create a professional email specifically for job applications if you need to or use your official student email address. Think about how you want to be perceived by a potential employer.

Soon you’ll be able to work on your personal brand online via Curtin Challenge – we’ll keep you informed!



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