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Showing Off Your Skills

December 4, 2014 by Curtin CEL Team

Showing Off Your Skills

If you’re not already using the ‘STAR’ technique to evidence your skills, it’s time to get amongst it.

STAR stands for Situation + Task + Action + Result. The technique’s major benefit is that it gives you a simple structure to provide strong examples of your skills whilst succinctly providing context. This is important, because it gives your skills more relevance, value and tangibility. You can use STAR to structure both a single sentence or a whole paragraph.

Here’s an example of where the STAR technique has been used to evidence key ‘Employability Skills,’ in response to the question ‘describe a situation where you’ve had to lead a team to complete a project.’

In the final year of my Commerce degree I lead a team of five to produce a marketing and community engagement plan for the Fremantle Dockers. At the beginning of the project, the team's work was progressing slowly so I decided to more actively lead the team to ensure we met deadlines and had outstanding results. I developed timelines to mark key project milestones and consulted with team members to ensure each individual stayed motivated and tasks remained on track. This was the first time the team had worked together so I developed process to make sure we communicated effectively - I encouraged quieter members to share their ideas, distributed minutes after each meeting and ensured we chatted online if we couldn't meet in person. Each team member had very different ideas and approaches to the brief so I collated strategy ideas and lead the team in providing constructive feedback and finding ways to include everyone's skills as part of our marketing solution. Upon completion of the project we received a high distinction and were offered the opportunity to intern with the Dockers, helping to implement some of our strategies. In addition to producing a successful plan, we also developed extremely efficient processes for working together and formed productive relationships.


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