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Journalism Cadetships at the ABC and SBS

October 20, 2014 by Curtin CEL Team

Journalism Cadetships at the ABC and SBS

Each year around early September, the ABC and SBS advertise for graduate journalist to apply for their cadetships.

For many, getting a job at either of these institutions would be the ultimate start to a career, and competition will be seriously fierce for about ten positions (this year, ABC – eight and SBS – two).

An article from The Newsroom in 2012, demonstrates how tough it is to get in, and also shows that the number of positions made available can change each year. Aside from outstanding interpersonal skills, both look for experience and a demonstrated interest in current affairs. Experience can come from university projects and community work experience – so final year students can (and will) also apply.

If you want more advice in relation to your application, get in touch via [email protected] or give us a call on (08) 9266 7802

See Upstart for more opportunities for work as a journalist.

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