Kathryn Carew-Hopkins is currently a Communications Officer for Main Roads WA. She graduated from Curtin University in 2010 with a BA in Mass Communications majoring in Journalism and Public Relations.
Why did you choose to study towards a BA in Mass Communications?
I felt writing was one of my strengths and it was something I enjoyed studying in High School. The degree had quite a few different career paths and allowed me to specialise in more than one area.
Beyond discipline specific knowledge what else do you believe university prepared you for?
University made me more independent and self-motivated. At work, there was no teacher to keep me on track – there was just an expectation that I would produce high quality work on my own. A bit like University assignments – there’s no one there holding your hand.
You entered into the Main Roads WA Business Graduate Program. How did you manage to do that with a BA?
I actually wasn’t aware that graduate programs were available for my discipline – I only discovered them after I graduated and saw one advertised on Seek.
How did you prepare for the job application process?
When I applied I was required to go through quite a detailed application process, including a long written response addressing selection criteria.
There was a big gap between applying for the job and being short-listed. During those months, I got work experience in my field, which benefited me greatly during the interview process.
What advice would you give to students taking creative majors?
Get as much work experience as you can. Most of it won’t be paid and some of it might not be very interesting, but it will make your resume stand out from other graduates and give you something to talk about during interviews.
Curtin Careers & Employment Centre advertises all Graduate Programs. Advertising for most programs is from February to April but Government Departments and others can also advertise as late as July/August.