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Curtin Alumni: Meet Fiona Atkins, Social Professional

October 23, 2014 by Curtin CEL Team

Curtin Alumni: Meet Fiona Atkins, Social Professional

Fiona Atkins is a Social Professional, who completed her Bachelor of Social Science (Anthropology and History) in 2010.

After working in Scotland and travelling overseas for over a year, she returned to Perth and started working in the Community Housing sector – working with people from diverse backgrounds and assisting them to find and maintain stable accommodation.

“Through this role, and my exposure to the lack of affordable housing in WA, I became interested in Development Planning, and I am now (very slowly) studying for my Masters of Urban and Regional Planning through Curtin.”

Her current full time position is as an Assistant Project Manager in the Capital Development team at Access Housing, a not-for-profit social housing organisation based in Fremantle.

She says that although she is working and studying in the Urban Planning and Development field, her Social Science degree certainly influences the way she approaches her current work and study. She believes she is very lucky to be working with an organisation whose focus is to provide housing that is suitable for all members of our community.

“My Social Science degree, and the wonderful lecturers I had, provided me with priceless tools to look deeper, question more and understand that, as far as culture and society are concerned, there are no rights or wrongs, just differences.”


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