If you’re working towards a career in a creative field and you don’t know about any of the creative competitions and festivals out there, you could be missing out on getting your work recognised.
There are competitions to suit just about every creative discipline with various competitions open all year round, both within Australia, and overseas. Some are well known like TROPFEST and Flickerfest – but others aren’t, so it pays to research regularly and keep an ear out.
For some extra links to creative comps in Screen Arts, visit Wide Angle Tasmania. And writers, check out The Writers’ Centre and the Fellowship of Australian Writers for opportunities.
Some might ask for an entry fee, especially where art and writing skills are involved, and sometimes this is okay and sometimes it isn’t… To be sure of what you’re entering, familiarise yourself with the Arts Law Centre of Australia’s info sheet on competition conditions.
Festivals are held all over Australia, all year around. If you are studying popular culture, performance, media or writing you might want to keep up with what is happening that relates to your discipline.
Festivals can offer a chance to discuss, compete, network, volunteer and work. For example, the Perth International Arts Festival in February/March of each year is already calling for volunteers. This includes the Writers Festival and Film Festival. If you’re interested in comedy, submit an application to perform at the Perth Comedy Festival or subscribe to RAW for news on the next round of open mic sessions for 2015.
Good luck!