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What can I do with Internet Communications?

October 23, 2014 by Curtin CEL Team

What can I do with Internet Communications?

For those who choose to select this major (where students develop skills in web publishing, web media, generating web content and online research and analysis of social media), seeking positions will be dependent upon how you structure your degree and where your focus lies e.g. developing web writing, design, CIT or research skills.

Keep in mind also, that with so many new job titles being created since the advent of the Web, searching can be more involved and abstract… Positions have not yet been completely defined or exhausted in the scope for this field. Australian Job Outlook does not, as yet, have a category that fully incorporates occupations that are an exact match for this major but check out aligned fields to gain an insight into where this industry’s heading:

To get a clearer idea of the myriad of related position titles in existence, start by simply doing a Seek search using terms such as ‘Social Media,’ ‘Web Content,’ ‘Digital,’ ‘Online’ and ‘Internet.’ Narrow this down by adding the terms ‘graduate’ and ‘intern.’ Remember, positions will cover all industry classifications and sectors i.e. public, private and non-for-profit.

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