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Teaching Overseas

September 24, 2014 by Curtin CEL Team

Teaching Overseas

State Departments of Education in Australia provide information on formal Teaching Exchange Programs. According to the Department of Education Western Australia the requirement for applicants is to have a minimum of five years’ teaching experience and exchange programs are generally for one school calendar year. Reciprocal agreements for exchange teachers exist between the UK, the US, Canada, Switzerland and Australia.

The UK
For a number of years, the UK has been targeting Australian teaching graduates to work in England, either in London, the Home Counties or the North. Graduates can be placed immediately into positions. There are many reputable recruiters providing information on visas and placements but take the time to view what they are offering you.

Canada, the US & Beyond
If you are considering applying for a position independently in Canada or the US, then you would need to have a minimum of two years’ teaching experience. This is generally also the same ruling for teaching almost anywhere for a qualified teacher wishing to teach in a school system or in International schools.

Teaching Abroad – You still need a visa!
Diane Jacoutot of has written a great article on the top seven misconceptions about teaching abroad.

“Teachers wishing to work overseas must meet regulations on two very different levels – teacher certification and immigration. Many teachers think that because they are qualified to teach at home, they can teach abroad and this is not always true. Each country has rules and requirements for the required training and experience and they might not match with your home country.”

The Labour Market Abroad
If you are particularly interested in teaching in a specific country it is also a good idea to view the labour market in terms of job availability; regions in need of teachers; and, the specialisations that are in demand.

Curtin Careers & Employment Centre also provides information on working overseas and subscribes to Going Global. Going Global allows students to check out opportunities around the world plus provides info on visa requirements (login via CareerHub).


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