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Out on Prac: A Grad Teacher’s Perspective: Part 5

September 25, 2014 by Curtin CEL Team

Out on Prac: A Grad Teacher’s Perspective: Part 5

“Looking back, what advice would you give to undergraduate teaching students from any teaching discipline e.g. collating their portfolio, reflection, developing interpersonal skills, etc.?”

Be super time conscious – when you get a uni assignment, start researching immediately, you may need to write and edit several times, do it! Don’t hand in work the night before – it doesn’t work and you will receive a poor mark. Create a time management chart – include time out with friends, exercise, time alone to watch a DVD and group research sessions. I had children, so my study time was 9pm – 1am every night – yep, every night. If this doesn’t suit, get up early when your brain is fresh and start then. The more effort you put in, the more satisfaction will come back. Teaching is SO WORTH IT!

I hope that I can make just a small difference in my student’s lives – to me that is worth more than any salary!

Enjoy practicums: they are great for getting experience, heaps of advice and making lifelong friends and colleagues.

“All employability skills and attributes are being assessed when you’re on prac but which, in your opinion, are the top attributes that Prac Supervisors and Professional Teaching staff will be on the lookout for?”

  • Be Professional – Cannot stress the importance of this, including being discreet.
  • Be Reliable – Being part of a team is helping each other – offer to help – often!
  • Be Hardworking – If you are not prepared to work hard, you may need to rethink being a teacher.
  • Have a Sense of Humour – Work with everyone as a team, listen to constructive criticism and remember to laugh! They are all working alongside you!

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