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Know Your Workplace Rights

August 29, 2014 by Curtin CEL Team

Know Your Workplace Rights

As potential new recruits, it is important you know your various rights and responsibilities in the workplace. This is particularly important when applying for vacation programs, as there are many types on offer, and some of these may not necessarily follow Australian legal standards.

It is essential you know and understand the following points of information when applying for vacation employment:

1. All vacation programs and internships located in Australia are paid positions.

This includes all vacation programs, internships and opportunities located on UniHub. Curtin Careers, Employment & Leadership regularly monitors posted opportunities on UniHub to ensure they are in the students’ best interest, and follow government rules and regulations.

2. Unpaid internships and vacation programs located in Australia may be in breach of the Fair Work Act.

Unpaid internships and vacation programs may be in breach of the Fair Work Act and will not be advertised on UniHub. Students should be aware that employers offering such opportunities may be breaching the Fair Work Act and be exploiting students.

To make this simpler, a fact sheet regarding unpaid work can be found here.

3. Many overseas internships advertised by recruitment companies are unpaid, and there may be costs involved with participation.

In some countries this is illegal and students should be aware of any laws regarding this practice. Any overseas opportunities promoted via UniHub include links to and information regarding, any costs involved with participating in the program, and whether or not the position is paid. Students are highly encouraged to investigate these companies before signing up and paying any fees.

Going Global is a great resource that provides information on overseas opportunities and employers. Curtin University has a paid subscription for this resource. As such, Curtin University students can access this website via UniHub. The link, title ‘Going Global’ is located under Resources – use the search bar to find it.

For more information about your workplace rights and responsibilities, head along to our workshop.

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